The Heart's Journey of Healing

On this journey that we call life, our Soul intends to remember the truth of who we are and grow toward greater wholeness. This journey is unique for every one of us. Along the way, we may face heartbreaking loss, trauma, abandonment, and even threats to our survival. These challenging experiences and how we live through them shape how our hearts respond to the world and influence our subconscious choices for self-protection. Many of us have experienced deep wounding in our hearts at one time or another. There is no right or wrong way to respond on this highly personal journey. The defenses and emotional armor we build to survive these challenges can impact our hearts and how we navigate life. 

Our hearts serve as the seat of our souls, the central point of our body and energy field, and vital to our journey toward wholeness and inner peace. A wellness check for your heart can involve taking a few deep breaths while paying attention to your heart and noticing how it feels. Does it feel open and expansive, or closed off and restrictive? Do you feel safe in your heart, or is there pain that you are trying to avoid? Is there sadness, or does it feel shattered from years of loss? Are you able to hold compassion for yourself?

Our healing journey requires us to inhabit our hearts fully. Within our hearts, we can regain a sense of wholeness and connection to source—all that is life. We can be more present in our lives and interactions with others from this place in our center. When the storms of life erupt, and they will, we have built a foundational base to stand on. Life may take us deep on this journey, yet our heart center will help us navigate.

The following essences offer various approaches to healing the heart. When we seek nurturing, Chrysocolla gem elixir connects our heart chakra to the loving energy of Mother Earth. If our heart feels constricted and fearful due to a challenging situation, Foxglove flower essence can help relieve the energetic tension surrounding it. For those grappling with old emotional wounds, Rhodochrosite gem elixir gently helps to piece everything back together. Mangano Calcite gem elixir provides a sense of safety, reconnecting us to our innocent origins when shame and guilt arise, helping us heal our relationship with ourselves. The essence of the Bleeding Heart flower encourages compassion for ourselves and others when we need assistance communicating and responding from our hearts, and Green Fairy Orchid promotes wholeness by balancing our inner masculine and feminine energies.

Read more about these essences below. Listen to your heart. It will tell you what it needs. If you’re unsure, notice the images that your heart feels most drawn to. 

Chrysocolla - Strengthening the Heart ChakraChrysocolla
Chrysocolla gem essence benefits those whose hearts are closed due to past experiences of loss and unresolved grief. When we believe that opening our hearts may lead to emotional pain or injury, we may feel a need to shield ourselves from others. In such cases, Chrysocolla enhances openness in the heart, mind, and body, allowing the vibration of love to flow freely, which helps us experience the safety of a vulnerable heart. It connects our heart chakra to the nurturing energy of the Earth, enabling our emotional energies to flow from the heart into the Earth.

Foxglove – Transforming the Fear Constricting our Hearts
Foxglove flower essence empowers us to live without fear. It helps us strengthen our hearts, allowing them to remain open in response to a conflict or challenges rather than contracting or closing down. Difficult situations can trigger fearful thoughts and projections, constricting the energy around our hearts. When we identify too closely with our challenging circumstances, it becomes even harder to determine how to move forward. Foxglove relieves any energetic tension around the heart that often accompanies these experiences. As we release tension, breathing deepens, restoring our energy flow and enhancing our perspective to transform the underlying thoughts, feelings, and belief systems contributing to our fear. The most important message from Foxglove is that while fear is real, love is greater—and the quickest way to move through any fear is to open our hearts to love.

Rhodochrosite – Soothing and Nurturing a Shattered Heart
Rhodochrosite gem elixir is ideal for anyone who has suffered physical or emotional trauma that caused so much pain that we shut down our hearts to avoid feeling it. Shutting down can occur within seconds but can take years to reverse. When our hearts feel shattered, raw, and in pain after an emotionally shocking or traumatic experience, Rhodochrosite helps increase energy, balance, and stability, both in the heart and the physical body. It softens the edges of sharp pain and releases any lingering energy of conflict so our healing can proceed to completion. In all cases, Rhodochrosite strengthens the heart, enabling us to feel more stable in both heart and body, which in turn allows us to deepen our heart-centered connections with others.

Mangano Calcite – Feeling Safe Within the Heart
This gem elixir offers a gentle, protective energy that fosters a sense of absolute safety in the heart. It serves as a soothing balm for a broken heart, especially when there is unresolved emotional pain from past experiences of loss or abuse. It also addresses feelings of unsafety and insecurity by helping us co-create an inner environment filled with self-love so that all parts of us can feel safe and at peace. This essence encourages us to reconnect with our genuine, innocent self, which is pure love. It brings a soft, calming energy that facilitates self-forgiveness and self-love, especially when self-judgment and criticism pose challenges. As self-forgiveness and self-love grow stronger, self-limiting patterns weaken, ultimately dissolving over time.

Bleeding Heart – Encouraging Self-Compassion
Bleeding Heart promotes loving kindness and compassion for both ourselves and others. When we believe we are not good enough, we are rejecting parts of ourselves. This self-rejection often causes us to perceive rejection in our interactions with others. A continual pattern of self-rejection can lead to difficulties in our relationships with ourselves and those around us. Bleeding Heart helps us recognize these patterns and understand that others cannot heal our pain. To feel whole again, we must connect with the parts of ourselves that we tend to reject and show those parts love, kindness, and compassion. Once we achieve a sense of wholeness and completeness, we no longer have to feel rejected.

Green Fairy Orchid – Balancing Inner Masculine and Feminine EnergiesGreen Fairy Orchid
Alaska's green flowers speak the heart's language and serve as valuable healing catalysts. The Green Fairy Orchid flower essence helps us balance our polar energies, allowing us to live more authentically from the heart. Green Fairy Orchid addresses a core imbalance between our inner masculine and feminine aspects. When our rational mind and emotions are not in sync due to dominant masculine energy, we may over-identify with our thoughts and ego, becoming entangled in the dualities of the outer world. Green Fairy Orchid invites us to open our hearts and venture inward to connect with our inner feminine energy. It encourages us to explore deep within ourselves, beyond the confines of the mind and ego. By doing so, we can transcend our limited self-perception and achieve a harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies, ultimately embracing the true wholeness within us all.